The Busy Girl's Guide to Aesthetics
Manchester Central
Mamuna Arshad
Cosmetic Surgery, GenderMedical, Aesthetic, Bariatrics & Weight-Loss Consultant
JCCP/CPSA Press Release – March 24th 2020 COVID – 19 ADVICE to PRACTITIONERS.
The Covid-19 pandemic is an unprecedented global threat and those working in the non-surgical cosmetic sector must adhere to guidance from government organisations.
Disruption to practice is required to reduce the rate of virus transmission and save lives.
For greatest impact, responsible
behaviour is required by all, which includes social distancing by patients and practitioners.
JCCP/CPSA Press Release – March 24th 2020 COVID – 19 ADVICE to PRACTITIONERS.
JCCP/CPSA Press Release – March 24th 2020 COVID – 19 ADVICE to PRACTITIONERS.
The non-surgical cosmetic sector is positioned between healthcare and beauty. This briefing is a
CPSA/JCCP consensus statement, incorporating Public Health England guidance for the NHS and for
the public. It is relevant for non-NHS healthcare professionals as well as beauty therapists.
The CPSA/JCCP recommends and advises that:
1) All clinics/salons should now close in accordance with Government advice and all face-to-face
consultations for aesthetic treatments should now cease
2) Telephone or media-link consultations can continue but must be secure and respect patient
3) All elective/non-urgent procedures should cease
4) Adherence to national self-isolation and social distancing guidance by staff and patients/clients
5) Registered healthcare professionals should consider re-entry into the NHS
This advice accords with UK Government Policy and guidance relating to both applying due diligence to treatment settings and to protecting vulnerable patient groups which the
JCCP/CPSA commends all practitioners to adhere to.
The JCCP- New Structures for the Non-Surgical Sector
The JCCP- New Structures for the Non-Surgical Sector
Joint Council for Cosmetic Practitioners - JCCP – the body that registers practitioners and approved education and training providers with the key remit of ensuring patient safety.
Cosmetic Standards Practice Authority – CPSA –
the body that sets practice standards for the non-surgical sector and collects data on adverse incidents and complications.
The JCCP Aspiration....
The JCCP Aspiration....
"Seeking to become a 'thoughtful organisation' that encourages the pursuit of trustworthiness and effective collaboration amongst its partners in order to protect the public and to promote excellence in practise!"
"Seeking to become a 'thoughtful organisation' that encourages the pursuit of trustworthiness and effective collaboration amongst its partners in order to protect the public and to promote excellence in practise!"
Medical Aesthetics Best Practice
Medical Aesthetics Best Practice
It’s inspiring what an impact non-surgical cosmetic treatment like lasers, fillers and peels can have on how we look and feel. Whether it’s fat taken from one part of your body and injected into another, or fillers used to shape and sculpt your nose, non-surgical cosmetic treatments are more popular than ever.
Going Abroad for surgery? Think again....
As with any treatment, always do your research thoroughly and don’t fall for budget, discounted rates or cosmetic enhancement holiday destinations: You get what you pay for and certainly don’t want your health to end up paying for it.
Even on a good day, particularly for plastic surgery, What was perhaps once attractive as a low cost-alternative to pricey elective procedures now has patients reconsidering its value, monetarily, and otherwise.
A fair few of patients who have sought cosmetic surgery abroad end up having complications and end up back in theatre for revision surgery.